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Anti-Aging Counselling

Counselling and treatment for men with diminished physical or sexual activity

Anti-Aging Counselling Growing old healthily is going to be of prime importance in the coming years. A healthy life-style, sensible nutrition and appropriate body training are indispensable.

In order to maintain your vitality, a change of everyday habits is going to be essential.

This involves mild physical exercise, healthy food, and, possibly, supplements (such as vitamins and trace elements).

We can accompany you, and support you, on your path. We will be glad to offer personal counselling.

* (Extended investigations with extra payment for patients covered by statutory medical insurance)

Contact us


Joint practice for Urology and Andrology, Munich

Promenadeplatz 10
Garden house, 1st floor
(Entrance next to
Hotel Bayrischer Hof)
80333 München
Phone: 0049 89 23 70 89 0
Fax: 0049 89 23 70 89 23