Urologist – Urology
- Treatment of urinary and genital organs
- Screening
- Microsurgery
- Laboranalysis
- Laboratory investigations
- Extended screening for cancer*
Andrologist – Andrology
Andrology is the science of male fertility. The andrologist treats disorders of the reproductive capability, impotence, and hormone disorders in the aging male (PADAM = partial androgen deficit of the aging male, or male climacterium, male equivalent of menopause)
Sexual medicine - Sexual disorders
- Treatment of sexual disorders
- Diagnosis, Therapie
- urological sonography
- Erectile tissue diagnostic measures for determining the cause of erection disorders and impotence
- Behaviour therapy counselling, especially for medico-sexual problems and questions (e.g. erection disorders, orgasm disorders, premature ejaculation)
Anti-Aging Counselling
Counselling and treatment for men with diminished physical or sexual activity